This is the documentation for the latest development branch of MicroPython and may refer to features that are not available in released versions.

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1. Getting started with MicroPython on the ESP32

Using MicroPython is a great way to get the most of your ESP32 board. And vice versa, the ESP32 chip is a great platform for using MicroPython. This tutorial will guide you through setting up MicroPython, getting a prompt, using WebREPL, connecting to the network and communicating with the Internet, using the hardware peripherals, and controlling some external components.

Let’s get started!

1.1. Requirements

The first thing you need is a board with an ESP32 chip. The MicroPython software supports the ESP32 chip itself and any board should work. The main characteristic of a board is how the GPIO pins are connected to the outside world, and whether it includes a built-in USB-serial converter to make the UART available to your PC.

Names of pins will be given in this tutorial using the chip names (eg GPIO2) and it should be straightforward to find which pin this corresponds to on your particular board.

1.2. Powering the board

If your board has a USB connector on it then most likely it is powered through this when connected to your PC. Otherwise you will need to power it directly. Please refer to the documentation for your board for further details.

1.3. Getting the firmware

The first thing you need to do is download the most recent MicroPython firmware .bin file to load onto your ESP32 device. You can download it from the MicroPython download page. Search for your particular board on this page.


If you don’t see your specific board on the download page, then it’s very likely that one of the generic firmwares will work. These are listed at the top of the download page and have names matching the onboard Espressif chip (i.e. ESP32 / WROOM, ESP32-C3, ESP32-S3, etc).

However, you may need to double check with the vendor you purchased the board from.

From here, you have a choice to make:

  • Download a stable firmware release.

  • Download a daily firmware “Preview” build.

If you are just starting with MicroPython, the best bet is to go for the stable Release firmware builds. If you are an advanced, experienced MicroPython ESP32 user who would like to follow development closely and help with testing new features, then you may find the Preview builds useful.

1.4. Deploying the firmware

Once you have the MicroPython firmware you need to load it onto your ESP32 device. There are two main steps to do this: first you need to put your device in bootloader mode, and second you need to copy across the firmware. The exact procedure for these steps is highly dependent on the particular board.

Detailed steps can be found on the same MicroPython download page for your board. It’s recommended that you follow the steps on the download page, as they are customised for your particular board.

If the above commands run without error then MicroPython should be installed on your board! Skip ahead to Serial prompt.

1.5. Troubleshooting installation problems

If you experience problems during flashing or with running firmware immediately after flashing, here are some troubleshooting recommendations:

  • Esptool will try to detect the serial port where your ESP32 is connected. If this doesn’t work, or you have multiple serial ports, then you may need to manually specify the port by adding the --port option to the start of the command line. For example, --port /dev/ttyUSB0 <rest of line> for Linux or esptool --port COM4 <rest of line> for Windows.

  • If the board isn’t responding to esptool at all, it may need to be manually reset into the bootloader download mode. Look for a button marked “BOOT” or “IO0” on your board and a second button marked “RESET” or “RST”. If you have both buttons, try these steps:

    1. Press “BOOT” (or “IO0”) and hold it down.

    2. Press “RESET” (or “RST”) and immediately release it.

    3. Release “BOOT” (or “IO0”).

    4. Re-run the flashing steps from the download page.

    If your board doesn’t have these buttons, consult the board manufacturer’s documentation about entering bootloader download mode.

  • If you get errors part-way through the flashing process then try reducing the speed of data transfer by removing the --baud 460800 argument.

  • Hardware problems can cause flashing to fail. There are two common problems: bad power source quality, and defective hardware (especially very low cost unbranded development boards). Speaking of power source, not just raw amperage is important, but also low ripple and noise/EMI in general. The most reliable and convenient power source is a USB port.

  • If you still experience problems with flashing the firmware then please also refer to the esptool Troubleshooting documentation.

1.6. Serial prompt

Once you have the firmware on the device you can access the REPL (Python prompt) over either UART0, which might be connected to a USB-serial converter depending on your board, or the chip’s built-in USB device. The baudrate is 115200.

From here you can now follow the ESP8266 tutorial, because these two Espressif chips are very similar when it comes to using MicroPython on them. The ESP8266 tutorial is found at MicroPython tutorial for ESP8266 (but skip the Introduction section).