This is the vv1.21.0 version of the MicroPython documentation. The latest development version of this page may be more current.

4. GPIO Pins

Use machine.Pin to control I/O pins.

For Zephyr, pins are initialized using a tuple of port and pin number (\"GPIO_x\", pin#) for the id value. For example to initialize a pin for the red LED on a FRDM-k64 board:

LED = Pin(("GPIO_1", 22), Pin.OUT)

Reference your board’s datasheet or Zephyr documentation for pin numbers, see below for more examples.

Pin Formatting





Red LED = PTB22

(“GPIO_1”, 22)


LED1 = PD2

(“GPIOD”, 2)


Green LED = PIO0_14

(“GPIO0”, 14)

4.1. Interrupts

The Zephyr port also supports interrupt handling for Pins using machine.Pin.irq(). To respond to Pin change IRQs run:

from machine import Pin

SW2 = Pin(("GPIO_2", 6), Pin.IN)            # create Pin object for switch 2
SW3 = Pin(("GPIO_0", 4), Pin.IN)            # create Pin object for switch 3

SW2.irq(lambda t: print("SW2 changed"))     # print message when SW2 state is changed (triggers change IRQ)
SW3.irq(lambda t: print("SW3 changed"))     # print message when SW3 state is changed (triggers change IRQ)

while True:                                 # wait