esp32 — functionality specific to the ESP32

The esp32 module contains functions and classes specifically aimed at controlling ESP32 modules.



Configure whether or not a touch will wake the device from sleep. wake should be a boolean value.

esp32.wake_on_ext0(pin, level)

Configure how EXT0 wakes the device from sleep. pin can be None or a valid Pin object. level should be esp32.WAKEUP_ALL_LOW or esp32.WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH.

esp32.wake_on_ext1(pins, level)

Configure how EXT1 wakes the device from sleep. pins can be None or a tuple/list of valid Pin objects. level should be esp32.WAKEUP_ALL_LOW or esp32.WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH.


Read the raw value of the internal temperature sensor, returning an integer.


Read the raw value of the internal Hall sensor, returning an integer.

Flash partitions

This class gives access to the partitions in the device’s flash memory.

class esp32.Partition(id)

Create an object representing a partition. id can be a string which is the label of the partition to retrieve, or one of the constants: BOOT or RUNNING.

classmethod Partition.find(type=TYPE_APP, subtype=255, label=None)

Find a partition specified by type, subtype and label. Returns a (possibly empty) list of Partition objects.

Returns a 6-tuple (type, subtype, addr, size, label, encrypted).

Partition.readblocks(block_num, buf)
Partition.readblocks(block_num, buf, offset)
Partition.writeblocks(block_num, buf)
Partition.writeblocks(block_num, buf, offset)
Partition.ioctl(cmd, arg)

These methods implement the simple and extended block protocol defined by uos.AbstractBlockDev.


Sets the partition as the boot partition.


Gets the next update partition after this one, and returns a new Partition object.



Used in the Partition constructor to fetch various partitions.


Used in Partition.find to specify the partition type.


The RMT (Remote Control) module, specific to the ESP32, was originally designed to send and receive infrared remote control signals. However, due to a flexible design and very accurate (as low as 12.5ns) pulse generation, it can also be used to transmit or receive many other types of digital signals:

import esp32
from machine import Pin

r = esp32.RMT(0, pin=Pin(18), clock_div=8)
r  # RMT(channel=0, pin=18, source_freq=80000000, clock_div=8)
# The channel resolution is 100ns (1/(source_freq/clock_div)).
r.write_pulses((1, 20, 2, 40), start=0)  # Send 0 for 100ns, 1 for 2000ns, 0 for 200ns, 1 for 4000ns

The input to the RMT module is an 80MHz clock (in the future it may be able to configure the input clock but, for now, it’s fixed). clock_div divides the clock input which determines the resolution of the RMT channel. The numbers specificed in write_pulses are multiplied by the resolution to define the pulses.

clock_div is an 8-bit divider (0-255) and each pulse can be defined by multiplying the resolution by a 15-bit (0-32,768) number. There are eight channels (0-7) and each can have a different clock divider.

So, in the example above, the 80MHz clock is divided by 8. Thus the resolution is (1/(80Mhz/8)) 100ns. Since the start level is 0 and toggles with each number, the bitstream is 0101 with durations of [100ns, 2000ns, 100ns, 4000ns].

For more details see Espressif’s ESP-IDF RMT documentation..


The current MicroPython RMT implementation lacks some features, most notably receiving pulses and carrier transmit. RMT should be considered a beta feature and the interface may change in the future.

class esp32.RMT(channel, \*, pin=None, clock_div=8)

This class provides access to one of the eight RMT channels. channel is required and identifies which RMT channel (0-7) will be configured. pin, also required, configures which Pin is bound to the RMT channel. clock_div is an 8-bit clock divider that divides the source clock (80MHz) to the RMT channel allowing the resolution to be specified.


Returns the source clock frequency. Currently the source clock is not configurable so this will always return 80MHz.


Return the clock divider. Note that the channel resolution is 1 / (source_freq / clock_div).


Returns True if RMT.write_pulses has completed.

If timeout (defined in ticks of source_freq / clock_div) is specified the method will wait for timeout or until RMT.write_pulses is complete, returning False if the channel continues to transmit.


Avoid using wait_done() if looping is enabled.


Configure looping on the channel, allowing a stream of pulses to be indefinitely repeated. enable_loop is bool, set to True to enable looping.

RMT.write_pulses(pulses, start)

Begin sending pulses, a list or tuple defining the stream of pulses. The length of each pulse is defined by a number to be multiplied by the channel resolution (1 / (source_freq / clock_div)). start defines whether the stream starts at 0 or 1.

Ultra-Low-Power co-processor

class esp32.ULP

This class provides access to the Ultra-Low-Power co-processor.

ULP.set_wakeup_period(period_index, period_us)

Set the wake-up period.

ULP.load_binary(load_addr, program_binary)

Load a program_binary into the ULP at the given load_addr.

Start the ULP running at the given entry_point.



Selects the wake level for pins.