Factory reset ============= If something unexpected happens and your ESP32-based board no longer boots MicroPython, then you may have to factory reset it. For more details, see :ref:`soft_bricking`. Factory resetting the MicroPython esp32 port involves fully erasing the flash and resetting the flash memory, so you will need to re-flash the MicroPython firmware afterwards and copy any Python files to the filesystem again. 1. You will need the Espressif `esptool`_ installed on your system. This is the same tool that you may have used to initially install MicroPython on your board (see :ref:`installation instructions `). 2. Find the serial port name of your board, and then use esptool to erase the entire flash contents:: esptool.py -p PORTNAME erase_flash 3. Use esptool to flash the MicroPython file to your board again. If needed, this file and flashing instructions can be found on the `MicroPython downloads page`_. .. _esptool: https://github.com/espressif/esptool .. _MicroPython downloads page: https://micropython.org/download/?port=esp32