network — network configuration

This module provides network drivers and routing configuration. Network drivers for specific hardware are available within this module and are used to configure a hardware network interface. Configured interfaces are then available for use via the socket module. To use this module the network build of firmware must be installed.

For example:

# configure a specific network interface
# see below for examples of specific drivers
import network
nic = network.Driver(...)

# now use socket as usual
import socket
addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1]
s = socket.socket()
s.send(b'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n')
data = s.recv(1000)

class WLAN

This class provides a driver for WiFi network processor in the ESP8266. Example usage:

import network
# setup as a station
nic = network.WLAN()
nic.connect('your-ssid', 'your-password')
# now use socket as usual


class network.WLAN

Create a WLAN driver object.


wlan.connect(ssid, password)

Connect to the specified wireless network, using the specified password.


Disconnect from the currently connected wireless network.


Initiate scanning for the available wireless networks.

Scanning is only possible if the radio is in station or station+AP mode; if called while in AP only mode, an OSError exception will be raised.

Once the scanning is complete, the provided callback function cb will be called once for each network found, and passed a tuple with information about that network:

(ssid, bssid, channel, RSSI, authmode, hidden)

There are five values for authmode:

  • 0 – open
  • 1 – WEP
  • 2 – WPA-PSK
  • 3 – WPA2-PSK
  • 4 – WPA/WPA2-PSK

and two for hidden:

  • 0 – visible
  • 1 – hidden

Return the current status of the wireless connection.

The possible statuses are defined as constants:

  • STAT_IDLE – no connection and no activity,
  • STAT_CONNECTING – connecting in progress,
  • STAT_WRONG_PASSWORD – failed due to incorrect password,
  • STAT_NO_AP_FOUND – failed because no access point replied,
  • STAT_CONNECT_FAIL – failed due to other problems,
  • STAT_GOT_IP – connection susccessful.

In case of STA mode, returns True if connected to a wifi access point and has a valid IP address. In AP mode returns True when a station is connected. Returns False otherwise.