.. currentmodule:: pyb
.. _pyb.Switch:

class Switch -- switch object

A Switch object is used to control a push-button switch.


     sw = pyb.Switch()       # create a switch object
     sw.value()              # get state (True if pressed, False otherwise)
     sw()                    # shorthand notation to get the switch state
     sw.callback(f)          # register a callback to be called when the
                             #   switch is pressed down
     sw.callback(None)       # remove the callback


     pyb.Switch().callback(lambda: pyb.LED(1).toggle())


.. class:: Switch()

   Create and return a switch object.


.. method:: Switch.__call__()

   Call switch object directly to get its state: ``True`` if pressed down,
   ``False`` otherwise.

.. method:: Switch.value()

   Get the switch state.  Returns ``True`` if pressed down, otherwise ``False``.

.. method:: Switch.callback(fun)

   Register the given function to be called when the switch is pressed down.
   If ``fun`` is ``None``, then it disables the callback.