This is the v1.22.0 version of the MicroPython documentation. The latest development version of this page may be more current.

4. Logical & bitwise instructions

4.1. Document conventions

Notation: Rd, Rn denote ARM registers R0-R7 except in the case of the special instructions where R0-R15 may be used. Rn<a-b> denotes an ARM register whose contents must lie in range a <= contents <= b. In the case of instructions with two register arguments, it is permissible for them to be identical. For example the following will zero R0 (Python R0 ^= R0) regardless of its initial contents.

  • eor(r0, r0)

These instructions affect the condition flags except where stated.

4.2. Logical instructions

  • and_(Rd, Rn) Rd &= Rn

  • orr(Rd, Rn) Rd |= Rn

  • eor(Rd, Rn) Rd ^= Rn

  • mvn(Rd, Rn) Rd = Rn ^ 0xffffffff i.e. Rd = 1’s complement of Rn

  • bic(Rd, Rn) Rd &= ~Rn bit clear Rd using mask in Rn

Note the use of “and_” instead of “and”, because “and” is a reserved keyword in Python.

4.3. Shift and rotation instructions

  • lsl(Rd, Rn<0-31>) Rd <<= Rn

  • lsr(Rd, Rn<1-32>) Rd = (Rd & 0xffffffff) >> Rn Logical shift right

  • asr(Rd, Rn<1-32>) Rd >>= Rn arithmetic shift right

  • ror(Rd, Rn<1-31>) Rd = rotate_right(Rd, Rn) Rd is rotated right Rn bits.

A rotation by (for example) three bits works as follows. If Rd initially contains bits b31 b30..b0 after rotation it will contain b2 b1 b0 b31 b30..b3

4.4. Special instructions

Condition codes are unaffected by these instructions.

  • clz(Rd, Rn) Rd = count_leading_zeros(Rn)

count_leading_zeros(Rn) returns the number of binary zero bits before the first binary one bit in Rn.

  • rbit(Rd, Rn) Rd = bit_reverse(Rn)

bit_reverse(Rn) returns the bit-reversed contents of Rn. If Rn contains bits b31 b30..b0 Rd will be set to b0 b1 b2..b31

Trailing zeros may be counted by performing a bit reverse prior to executing clz.